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Yes, for example if a first cousin of yours had a child it would be considered your second cousin.

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There is no actual relationship as you do not share a common ancestor. Most families would refer to them as a cousin.

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What are step cousins in a family tree?

There is no relation that is properly called a step cousin.

Is it ok to like your cousin Hes not my real cousin One of my cousins girlfriend has a kid and I like him Is that ok Would it be fine if we dated?

If you like your cousins girlfriends kid then i think its okay since its not your cousin but you may want to discuss it with your cousin and his girlfriend first.

Is my sister in law's step cousin related to me?

You are cousins by marriage.

What is my step dad's cousins daughter to me?

Nothing because it is your step father and his cousin If your stepfather were in fact your father, the son of his First Cousin would be your Second Cousin. If you are close to your stepfather, or were formally adopted by him, you might call that person your Step-Second Cousin. If you really like your stepfather, or his cousin's son, and want to assert a relationship, you could even call him your Second Cousin.

What relation is your grandchild to your step grandchild?

The grandchild of your grandmother's first cousin is your third cousin. The grandchild of your grandmother's second cousin is your fourth cousin. The grandchild of your grandmother's third cousin is your fifth cousin.

What's the kid called if your cousin marries someone that already has a kid?

Your cousin's child would be your cousin once removed. So your cousin's stepchild would be your step-cousin once removed.

What is you uncles kid to you?

Cousin. Your parents brothers and sisters are aunts and uncles. and the aunt and uncles children are your cousins.

Are you related to your half second cousin?

There is no such thing as a half second cousin. You are second cousins if you share one great grandparent. Being someone's cousin means you are related to them.There is a step-2nd cousin. A step-2nd cousin is the daughter/son of someone's step-mom's/step-dad's cousin. It could also be the step-daughter/step-son of someone's mom's/dad's cousin.Ex.:Rob has a step-mom named Mary. Mary's cousin is Johnathan. Johnathan's child is Maria. Rob & Maria are step-2nd cousins.Maria's dad is named Johnathan. Johnathan has a cousin named Mary. Mary has a step-son named Rob. Maria & Rob are step-2nd cousins.

How do you have a step step cousin?

Well I've heard that a 'step cousin' is a step parent's nephews and nieces. Meaning if your father and mother got a divorice, your mother remarried to a man who is now your 'step dad' then his brother or sister's children are your 'step cousins'. Also, I believe to use it with my other 'cousin'. I believe step father or mother means a father or mother because of marriage, not a blood parent. So, I believe that when my aunt married my uncle, my uncle became my 'step uncle' or 'uncle by marriage' and his brother's or sister's children are now my 'step cousins' or 'cousins by marriage'. This may be incorrect but that is how I choose to describe my aunt's husband's brother/sister's kids. I like to be able to call them my cousins because I am so close to them!

What do you call your half second cousin's son?

Your half second cousin's son would be your second cousin once removed.

What relation is your son to your quarter cousin?

There is no relationship of "quarter cousin." If you have a first cousin, your son and that first cousin are first cousins, once removed. If you have a second cousin, your son and the second cousin are second cousins, once removed. Whatever cousin you have, your son and that cousin are the same kind of cousins, once removed.

Translation of cousin in French?

for female cousins : cousine for male cousins : cousin