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Q: Is your child's mother legally entitled to keep your property after you move out?
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When the natural mother dies do stepchildren have a legal right to stepfather's property if they are not included in the will?

No, if they are not included in the last will and testament of the deceased they have no legal right to any property as they are not considered in the "blood line" of the deceased. They are entitled to property that the biological mother held in her name only unless the property was acquired during marriage and the couple resided in a community property state. Also, they may be entitled to personal items such as clothing, pictures, family heirlooms or jewelry and so forth, but that is determined by state probate laws. Unfortunately, such situations sometimes become a matter of litigation with a judge deciding what (if any) property the surviving spouse is legally required to release to surviving family members. It doesn't sound like heirship is at issue. Given that the mother is the decedent, I assume the question concerns the mother's Will. If the mother left a Will leaving everything to her husband, or to whomever other than the stepchildren, then the stepchildren take nothing.

If mother is deceased and father is alive but property was in mother's name do adult children have a claim to it?

If the property was in your mother's name alone and she died intestate the property would pass according to the laws of intestacy in your state. The children may be entitled to a portion. You can check your state at the link below.

Can a father legally change a childs name if the mother disagrees?

The court will hear the mother's objection and render a decision.The court will hear the mother's objection and render a decision.The court will hear the mother's objection and render a decision.The court will hear the mother's objection and render a decision.

Can heart to heart contact from a mother restart a childs heartbeat after an unspecified amount of dead time from the mother-child connection they have?

There is no scientific proof that direct heart to heart contact between Mother and child can restart a childs heartbeat.

Can an Indian mother gift her property to his son who hold Canadian citizenship?

If they legally obtain the deed to the land, yes, they may.

What if myself and other siblings are heirs of mother's estates and one sibling try to take over?

Your mother's estate must be probated in order for her property to pass to you legally. You should consult with an attorney who can handle the estate and also act as your gatekeeper to keep your pushy sibling at bay.Your mother's estate must be probated in order for her property to pass to you legally. You should consult with an attorney who can handle the estate and also act as your gatekeeper to keep your pushy sibling at bay.Your mother's estate must be probated in order for her property to pass to you legally. You should consult with an attorney who can handle the estate and also act as your gatekeeper to keep your pushy sibling at bay.Your mother's estate must be probated in order for her property to pass to you legally. You should consult with an attorney who can handle the estate and also act as your gatekeeper to keep your pushy sibling at bay.

If your mother put her house in her son name and she died does her other children have rights to their share of home?

Generally, if your mother conveyed her real property to her son before she died and she was legally capable of doing so then the property belongs to him. The other siblings would have no right in or to the property.

Do a father still have to pay child support if he marries the childs mother?


Mother leaves will to son but son dies does his spouse have any rights to property?

If the mother's will was probated and the son died AFTER his mother then the property is in the son's estate. His estate would need to be probated. The property would pass to his heirs under the terms of his will or according to the state laws of intestacy. Generally, a surviving spouse is entitled to a portion, if not all, of her husband's estate. You can check your state laws at the related question link below. If the son died before his mother, the property would pass according to his mother's will or the state laws of intestacy as his mother's intestate property.

My mother refuses to give me the life estate property left to us by my grandparents can she do this?

If the property was left to both you and your mother, she cannot unilaterally refuse to give you your share. You may need to seek legal advice to enforce your rights to the property as per the terms of the will or trust that left it to you both.

The father with two children remarried still owning the properties he owned with his first wife who died. Does his second wife inherit a share of the properties?

The answer depends on several factors:How did your parents hold title to their property and/or did your mother leave a will?Was your father the sole owner of the property or did he transfer title to himself and his second wife?Did your father leave a will with provisions for the distribution of the property?If there was no will the property will pass according to your state laws of intestacy and his surviving spouse will be entitled to a share of his real property. In some states his children will be entitled to a share especially if the surviving spouse is not their parent. You can check the laws in your state at the related question link provided below.The answer depends on several factors:How did your parents hold title to their property and/or did your mother leave a will?Was your father the sole owner of the property or did he transfer title to himself and his second wife?Did your father leave a will with provisions for the distribution of the property?If there was no will the property will pass according to your state laws of intestacy and his surviving spouse will be entitled to a share of his real property. In some states his children will be entitled to a share especially if the surviving spouse is not their parent. You can check the laws in your state at the related question link provided below.The answer depends on several factors:How did your parents hold title to their property and/or did your mother leave a will?Was your father the sole owner of the property or did he transfer title to himself and his second wife?Did your father leave a will with provisions for the distribution of the property?If there was no will the property will pass according to your state laws of intestacy and his surviving spouse will be entitled to a share of his real property. In some states his children will be entitled to a share especially if the surviving spouse is not their parent. You can check the laws in your state at the related question link provided below.The answer depends on several factors:How did your parents hold title to their property and/or did your mother leave a will?Was your father the sole owner of the property or did he transfer title to himself and his second wife?Did your father leave a will with provisions for the distribution of the property?If there was no will the property will pass according to your state laws of intestacy and his surviving spouse will be entitled to a share of his real property. In some states his children will be entitled to a share especially if the surviving spouse is not their parent. You can check the laws in your state at the related question link provided below.

In KY the deceased had no will can biological children prevent step mother from getting anything?

No, the spouse is entitled to their share. The laws of intestacy will probably give her all of the property.