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Tonic water has some quinine in it to give it its bitter flavour so long as you don't have an intolerance to quinine its harmless, as a mater of fact it is very good for settling down sudden bouts of muscular cramps.

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sylvia yates

Lvl 1
1y ago
i was taking quineen dr sad it is dangerouse but wake every nightnjumping out of bed need something

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Q: Is tonic water harmful
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Is Indian tonic water good for plants?

Indian tonic water can be beneficial for plants as it contains quinine, which can act as a natural insect repellent. However, it should be used in moderation as excess quinine can be harmful to certain plants. It is also important to consider other ingredients in tonic water, such as sugar or preservatives, which may not be beneficial for plant health.

Is tonic water harmful to heart patients?

I think so. We were two guys who drank lots of tonic water iso. clean water in a hot climate. Both got problems with heart rate after two weeks. Inceased and even irregular puls. You got something there.

Can you buy tonic water in Russia?

Yes, Tonic water is available in Russia. Tonic water is available in a large percentage of countries.

Is there potassium in tonic water?

Yes, tonic water can contain potassium. The amount can vary depending on the brand and ingredients used in the tonic water.

Will tonic water help plant grow?

Tonic water contains quinine, which can be harmful to some plants due to its high alkalinity levels. It's best to use regular water or a balanced fertilizer to help plants grow.

What are the correct spellings of Schweppes tonic water?

The correct spelling is Schweppes Tonic Water. There are many people that also refer to the product as Schweppes Indian Tonic Water.

Can tonic water make you test positive for cocaine?

It can, but you'd have to drink a LOT of tonic water to do it.

Is Tonic water acidic?

Yes, tonic water has a pH around 4, so it is acidic.

Are there carbs in tonic water?

Yes, tonic water contains carbs due to added sugars or sweeteners. It is important to check the label for specific carb content as it can vary depending on the brand.

What is Gin with water in it?

Diluted Gin? That question does make any sense. If you mean What is Gin with tonic water then it is called a Gin and Tonic. Gin with tonic water and a lime slice with ice.

What does freezing do to tonic water?

Freezing tonic water can cause it to expand and potentially burst the container due to the carbonation. The taste and carbonation of the tonic water may also be affected, resulting in a flat and less refreshing beverage. It is not recommended to freeze tonic water.

Is Schweppes tonic water alcoholic?

No - tonic water is used as a 'mixer' in alcoholic drinks to add volume. There is no alcohol in tonic water - it's simply water with carbon-dioxide gas added (which is why it's fizzy)