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years apart are not the most important thing in a relationship by a long shot. The most important thing is the level of maturity and trust that can be shared between the couple in the relationship. So if you feel that you and this 17 year old could find some common ground, be there to support each other, and treat each other as equals then let nothing stand in you way of being together.

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15y ago

if you r 12 you really shouldn't be getting serious with anyone much less a 15 year old. I lost my virginity when i was 15, guys that age are ONLY after ONE THING! take my word. Im 24 now, i wish i would have waited...

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Q: Is three years too big an age difference is I am 14 and he's 17?
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Three years is no big deal. There are several couples in the world where the female is years older than the male, yet they still get married. So three years is no big deal. Just be sure to have parental consent first. Good luck.

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no well i dont think so i think that 5 years is too big of an age dif.

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It depends on the age of both people involved. If one is under 18 years old then it might be best to wait. I am 20 and my boyfriend is 23 so no, there is nothing wrong with that age difference.

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Not too small. 3 years isn't that big a difference, I think their parents are 4 or 5 years apart. And Age is just a number.

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i hope not<3

Is 17 years too large of an age gap?

Personally, I think so. But if it's true love, does it really matter? I dont think so. It depends on understanding and health conditions. This is quiet normal in India where you have the least levels of divorces.

Is nine years too big of an age difference in a relationship if you were 22 and your girlfriend is 31?

No if you are an adult.

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In the movie, Carrie is 42 and Big is 53. That would be 11 years.

Can a sixth grader date a eighth grader?

age doesnt matter :) unless its a big age difference..of like 5 years.

If a woman is twenty one years old would it be a big age difference if she married a thirty one year old guy?

well that's a good question well um yes it will make a big age difference because that man will be 10 years older than that women