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Q: Is there family matters dvds or VHS?
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How useful is a VHS to DVD converter?

A VHS to DVD converter is useful if you do not wish to purchase previously purchased VHS tapes on DVD. The only expense you need to make is for blank DVDs.

What VHS mean?

VHS stands for video home system. It is a way to record video such as movies and television shows. VHS has been replaced by DVDs.

Will VHS tapes from other countries work?

Movies in VHS tapes, unlike DVDs have no code zone. They are pretty universal. Do they will work fine in any country.

Why do people use dvds?

To watch movies with them, record on them, play PC games with them, to install operating systems on them, etc. Also, DVDs have better quality than VHS.

When were DVD's first introduced to the public?

DVDs first appeared in 1995, although they did not overtake VHS for some time after that.

What year were DVDs introduced?

ANSWER: VHS came before DVD's, VHS's are videos that contain film to play inside of VHS player. VHS also need to be re winded to start from the beginning. DVD's came later, DVD's are a disk that don't need to be re winded at all can have multiple language and subtitle's depending on what you want. DVD's can be played in portable DVD players Converting a VHS to a DVD requires special equipment because VHS tapes are analog and DVDs are digital. A video transfer service can perform a VHS to DVD conversion for you. At StashSpace.Com the transfer is just $6.95.

DVDs Help Store Family Memories?

It’s likely that at some point in your life, someone in your family followed you around with a video camera, capturing memories of family vacations, birthdays, reunions and sporting events. It’s also likely that the camera was big and bulky and recorded these precious family moments on VHS tapes. The problem with VHS tapes is that after a certain period of time, they just stop working. The tape will wear out from overuse, or may end up breaking due to underuse. Enter the Digital Versatile Disc, or DVD, the savior of your family memories. Converting those old family VHS tapes to DVD can go a long way to keeping those family memories from disappearing forever. Getting the right DVDs, though can make or break this process for your family. Most of the time, DVDs are sold in bulk, so you can buy a lot at one time and start converting your old VHS tapes right away. The first thing you want to make sure of, though, is that you’re buying DVDs and not CDs. Both mediums are packaged exactly the same, so it’s easy to get confused. Even if they’re in the spot on the shelf that says DVD, make sure you read the actual package. Now, DVDs come in different packages as well. Some of these packages include cases and some don’t. However, it’s likely that you’re going to get a lot less if you buy the package with the DVD cases, but many people are more comfortable with that, because they know they’ll have somewhere to store them. The most popular form of DVD packaging has to be the spindle. The spindle simply consists of a bunch of DVDs stacked on top of each other. Many DVDs can fit in a spindle, and they’re easy to access. Usually, the spindle is going to be slightly less expensive than the other types of DVD packages. Most of the time, you can pick up a spindle anywhere from around $8 to $30, depending on the type of disc and how many are in the package. No matter what you prefer, converting those old family VHS tapes to DVDs is going to ensure those memories hang around for a long, long time.

Will they always make VHS Movies?

* Yes, they will always make VHS Movies, because Family Video, Hastings, & Menard's sells VHS Movies still.

Do vhs tapes or dvds have better picture quality on your tv?

Most TV's have switched to DVD players and the ones that used to play VHS tapes are either broken or are not compatible with your cable company. Most places actually sell VHS to DVD converters. So, ultimately, the DVD is always better.

What is the use of converting VHS?

Converting VHS to DVD puts your videos into a more compact format that's easier to store and watch for later use. DVDs can also be inserted into computers for even more compact storage.

Is it possible to get either VHS or dvds of the tv series treasure hunt starring anneka rice?

Yes, on just bought it on DVD.

Are Blu-ray players outdated?

No. Blu-Rays are becoming increasingly popular while DVDs are starting to slowly become somewhat obsolete and some day, just like VHS tapes, DVDs will be completely obsolete