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yah maby me how old are you

im 14 and u?

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Q: Is there anyone that wants sex?
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they need a boner. Anyone wants sex. Well i do so come to Hollybrn building floor 9 and we can have sex.

If a woman wants sex from a friend what does it mean?

it means she wants sex

Is it okay for a 14 year old to date a 12 year old if the 14 year old doesn't want sex?

Sure. It's a problem if anyone under 18 wants sex.

What can a person do if his girlfriend says she wants sex but due to the situation you can't do anything about it but when an opportunity arises she has lots of excuses not to have sex and why?

First of all, you should never pressure anyone into having sex. You should wait until she is ready. As far as saying she wants to have sex, it might be her way of trying to keep the relationship alive but shes too scared to have sex yet or she just isn't ready.

My best friend came out of the closet and says he wants to sex me up i ain't gay What should i do?

The rule of thumb is: do not have sex with anyone ever unless you want to. Just tell your friend no. You can still be friends.

What if female uses sex pills?

Then she wants to have sex with you.

Will anyone answer my question?

If anyone wants to,they might answer it

Why is he always saying that he wants to be near you?

well mabye because he feels clingy because he doesn't want anyone taking you away, he feels jealous.

What does it mean if a guy wants to get a hotel room for me and him?

he wants to have sex

How do you know if a boy just wants to use you?

if he only calls you when he wants something if he only wants to talk about sex and when your going to have sex if he never asks anything about you if he only talks about what he wants if he comes around when he wants something

What does it mean when a guy wants to make a baby?

it means he wants to have sex with you

What does it mean when a boy wants to be laid?

when a boy says he wants to be layed, it means he wants to have sex.