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yes... love and a crush are to very different things...a crush only means yo think a certin quality about him/her is cute...where as love is something you feel towards a person that you really really really sare about and would do anything for him/her...

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Q: Is there a difference between having a crush and being in love if the crush lasts?
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What is the difference between crush and like?

The difference between having a crush on someone and liking someone:If you have a crush on someone, it means that you find their physical appearance attractive.If you like someone, it means that you like their personality traits; not to do with appearance.

What is the difference between two shy people having a crush on one another and being in love?

Well my opinion is that a crush means you think some one is cute..Like is you like them their personality and stuff, and love is you would be with them threw anything and everything and stuff..

What is the difference between having a crush and loving someone?

There can be very small differences. Loving someone can be loving someone in your family and having a crush is a totally different story. It also depends if your gay. I hope this answer was helful -From dobermanfangirl

What is the difference between a long term crush and being in love?

a crush is when you like someone but not enough to do anything with them for example live with them. love is when you feel free to show you effection for someone for example sleeping with the person.

Difference between infatuation and love?

If you're infatuated by someone, you're just having a little crush on them. If you love that special someone, that's some deep mess you got on your hands. That comes from the inside

Does simply having your crush in your house but not necessarily in the same room as you get you excited?

It can, chemistry can be activated by just being in the vicinity.

Is it true that having a crush can make you miss your period?

No, it's not possible to miss your period if you just have a crush on someone. Not even being in love makes you miss it, only being pregnant. And when you first get your period they are not regular, it takes a while for them to become regular.

What is difference between crash and crush?

"Crash" typically refers to a sudden and violent impact or collision between objects, such as vehicles. "Crush," on the other hand, usually implies applying pressure to an object or person with force, resulting in deformation or destruction.

What is the difference between lust and a crush?

lust is when you dont really give a darn about the other person - a crush is when your first thought is about the person and not just in a sexual way. but lust lives in all out hearts.

Why would a girl whose shy disapprove of people younger than her older sister having a Facebook when her crush is only three years younger than her?

I assume her crush has a Facebook, otherwise there is no link between the crush's age and the sister's age. And I don't see how her being shy has anything to do with it. The relationship between her and her sister has probably nothing to do with her relationship with her crush/bf. She porbably thinks that, depending on the age here, that children don't need Facebook. They mostly play games with it and talk to the same people they see in school anyway.

If you are in a relationship with someone do you still have a crush on them or has it evolved into something different?

While having a crush is being overwhelmed with emotion for someone, when you two enter a relationship together than it has evolved into a mutual interest. The crush stage is usually referring to before entering the relationship.

If your crush cares a lot about his studies and he is not interested in relationships should you tell him what you feel?

no because you will end up being crushed by a crush no because you will end up being crushed by a crush no because you will end up being crushed by a crush no because you will end up being crushed by a crush