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This is a personal problem. Your a an idiot if you need a computer to make a serious descision for you.

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Q: Is the marriage over if your husband can't communicate with you emotionally?
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How do you tell a marriage is over emotionalLy?

there are many ways, when your husband or wife never makes dinner dates, or too busy for anything, doesn't tell you he or she loves you, or when you cant sit and stare at each other for no reason and can just say with your eyes i love you and he or she just knows it.

How do you know your husband is having an affair?

follow him. smell his dick when he gets home I think people know in their hearts when something is wrong. Are you connecting with him as you first did in your marriage? They may not be as intimate, they may txt on their phone more, they may leave the room to make a call. If you want to be sneaky about it you can check the phone and try to follow him. However, if you cant communicate your feelings of neglect, isn't that a huge issue? Cheating is a symptom of a bigger problem. Communicate!

How do you change your husband on tamagotchi?

you cant :(

Can tamagotchi 5.0 communicate with 4.5?

NO hi cant communicate with v1,v2,v3,v4,v4.5

What is abbreviation for husband in text?

Husband= man who cant pay attention to you aha

Can you stop being insecure and jealous in your marriage?

no you cant

Christian teaching about sex outside marriage?

No cant do that

What if your husband got another women pregnant b4 marriage he tried getting a pt test done she did not cooperate hes in Iraq and shes saying her husband is going to adopt the child is this possible?

Well if she says her husband will adopt the child then she must know its the other guys kid.tell your husband to go to the courts and they will force that she takes the test to see if its his child.She cant just walk away with the baby

What does your husband mean if says he sees red flags in you?

You didn't really give much info as to the relationship you and your husband have. He could be joking if you have somewhat of a fiery temper (like waving a red flag in front of a bull.) LOL If you are having difficulties in your marriage he may be telling you he doesn't trust you and can see "red flags" (which means danger) such as you possibly cheating. If you care to elaborate on your situation just post under my post. It means your husband cant communicate well with you, if he cant tell you what the red flags are. Sounds like he's sheepishly is trying to tell you that ways he expected you to be or not to be are not what he thought before he married you. Ask him to be mature about this and tell you exactly what he means. If he chooses not to talk to you then you should Yellow flag him with caution.

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No because it cant make sound

Why cant Jonas communicate with other children anymore?

because he can't .

Can my wages be garnished for my husband's credit card?

no it cant