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no its fine you just don't wana go anymore than 5 years between you and your gf or bf

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Q: Is the age difference too big if the guy is turning 22 and shes 17?
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so what its not that big of a deal unless its a crazy age difference. so what its not that big of a deal unless its a crazy age difference.

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well it only depends what age you are

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yes, yes it is

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This is either because of your variety of orange , or there is not a big enough difference in the temperature between day and night. It is this difference that promotes colour change.

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i hope not<3

Do you think 2 and a half years is too big an age difference in a relationship?

no well i dont think so i think that 5 years is too big of an age dif.

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Generally this would not be okay. The age difference is not a big deal as you get older but at this young age it can be a big difference. If both parents are okay with the relationship though then there is no problem.

What is the age difference between big and Carrie in sex and the city?

In the movie, Carrie is 42 and Big is 53. That would be 11 years.

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age doesnt matter :) unless its a big age difference..of like 5 years.