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The estate would be responsible, but if the dying person had no assets, I do not think they could hold the spouse responsible, unless he or she signed a paper guaranteeing medical bills.

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Q: Is surviving spouse responsible for medical bills of spouse in Illinois?
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Is the surviving spouse responsible for the medical bills of a deceased spouse in Florida if they have not lived together in 20 yrs?

Only if the surviving spouse entered into a repayment agreement with the medical providers.

In Pennsylvania is the surviving spouse responsible for the deceased spouse's medical and credit card debt?

No, the spouse is not responsible. However it does come out there assets left behind.

Is the surviving spouse responsible for deceased spouse's medical bill in Maryland?

The spouse indirectly will pay, as they cannot inherit until they are resolved. In Maryland the estate is responsible.

Is surviving spouse responsible medical bills in Michigan?

The estate is responsible for all the bills of the deceased. The spouse will be required to pay them from the estate funds.

Is the surviving spouse responsible for medical bills in Georgia?

For Georgia, the estate will be responsible. The spouse indirectly will pay, as they cannot inherit until they are resolved.

Is the surviving spouse responsible for medical bills in Kentucky?

In Kentucky, the deceased's estate is responsible. The spouse can be held as a beneficiary of the costs and by inheriting less from the estate.

If a spouse dies and leaves medical bills in their name is the surviving spouse responsible for those bills?

In most instances, the estate is responsible. It means the estate that is inherited from the spouse will be smaller.

Is a surviving spouse in Illinois obligated to pay medical expenses incurred by the deceased spouse prior to death?

Yes, you are under the law married couples are considered one unit, that makes you responsible for eachother. * No. Not unless the surviving spouse signed an agreement to do so. The only time spouses are responsible for each others debts is if the debts are incurred jointly or the couple resided in a community property state, Illinois is not a community property state. (Macky)

Is the surviving spouse responsible for deceased medical bills in nc?

In North Carolina the estate is responsible. The spouse indirectly will pay, as they cannot inherit until they are resolved.

Is the surviving spouse responsible for the medical bills of a deceased spouse in NM?

The estate is responsible for all the debts of the deceased in New Mexico. The spouse will only inherit what is left after the debts are resolved.

Is surviving spouse responsible for medical bills in NJ?

Only if she is the executor of the estate. The executor is responsible for all estate debts.