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Power and control tactics are the main focus in most every abusive relationship...if someone is manipulating their partner to the point where there partner is not happy then yes controlling someone is a form of abuse...

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I would say yes. Whether it be emotional, verbal, physical, mental etc. A controlling person has the tendency to abuse others and using their control in a bad way. Or they want to stay in control and abuse the other person in order to do that.

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Q: Is someone controlling another person a form of abuse?
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No, you can hurt someone's feelings without abusing them. Psychological abuse is the deliberate attempt to cause anxiety, depression, or loss of self-esteem, typically in trying to control another person and their actions.

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Confront? That is emotional abuse. Leave, or get counseling. No one deserves to live with that kind of abuse/pressure. Answer I agree with the above. That is absolutely emotional abuse and no way to live. Get away from that person. When you try and confront a person like that who is very controlling it doesn't do any good. It can only make matters worse. You can tell them (confront) them with the way you feel about how you are treated...then leave and stay away from that person. Life is too short to put up with a controlling, emotional abuser. There are too many others out there who will treat you good to stay with someone who doesn't.

When does a person's actions become abusive?

There are several types of, physical, emotional/verbal and sexual. If someone stops ones movement, (example: hands on, or blocking one from leaving a room or residence). If someone uses someones money without consent and not for the benefit of the person the money belongs to. If someone yells, talks down to, or if someone does things or does NOT do things, because they are AFRAID of actions taken by that person than most likely their actions have become abusive already. Also I must add that sexual is abuse is more common than people realize, but if one is having relations because of fear of what might happen if they don't...or they are forced to participate against their will, this is abuse. If someone is harming a person physically, slapping, pushing, pinching, kicking, punching or grabbing, this is abuse. If your experiencing any of these, than you are being abused, if you have asked for them to stop and they don't. And if your a person, who is unable to stop controlling another person in any one of the above ways... your actions have already become abusive.

What is an abusee?

An abusee is a person who is physically abused by someone.

Is controlling someone a sign of abuse?

It depends on what kind of control this is. If it's a parent controlling their child's behaviour through abuse for their own personal reasons (physical harm.etc) then yes this is a sign of abuse but there are many different types of control. For example parents can control kids by telling them what to eat or when to sleep but that is not a sign of abuse.. I think if you reword your question to something/some event that is more specific this answer won't be as vague.

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What happens if you tell someone they are a schizoid or narcisstic?

They will attack and/or abuse you. Don't do it. Another answer: You would reveal yourself as a rude person, since you are clearly not qualified to make a diagnosis.

What are the difficulties in defining abuse?

What one person considers abuse is not necessarily equivalent with what another person considers abuse. For example, one person may equate a light, mere punch on the arm abuse, while another sees it as being a playful gesture. Some people do not realize when "play" or "teaching a lesson" truly becomes abuse, however, and therein lies the problem. Physical fighting is abuse and extreme, horrid name-calling is abuse as well. Sadly, there are no specific guidelines for defining abuse.

How do you stop abuse?

To stop abusers, they should be held accountable for their actions. If someone reports the abuse to the police, the person may stop their abuse.