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yes it means she fancies you

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Q: Is she jealous if she is trying to make you jealous while you have a girlfriend?
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Why he doesn't have a girlfriend?

he has probably moved on or is trying to make you jealous .

Why he doesn't have a girlfriend now?

he has probably moved on or is trying to make you jealous .

Why does this guy look at you when he kisses his girlfriend?

He is probably trying to make you jealous

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This guy has a girlfriend but flirts with me?

dont go for it hes trying to make his girl friend jealous but if he breaks up with her be there for him.

What if your ex makes you jealous with a fake girlfriend but you ignored him totally even when he is stay around you or looks at you and you see that this annoys Does he still have feelings?

If he is trying to make your jealous with a fake girlfriend, then evidently, he likes you quite a lot.

What does it mean when a girl doesnt wave hi to you but alone around your girlfriend?

That probably means she is trying to make your girlfriend jealous...Maybe. It depends on what kind of person she is.

Is your ex boyfriend trying to make you jealous with his ex girl friend?

He might be trying to make you jealous, but he may also just want his ex- girlfriend back. In this case, usually your ex- boyfriend can try to make you jealous which can mean he wants you back and by making you jealous you will come back to him, or it can also mean he is trying to show you how much you need him, but you can't have him. The real answer is, no body can know other the the ex- boyfriend himself.

What should i do if my ex-girlfriend is trying to make you jealous?

play along with it then all of a sudden change to not being jelouse and stay that way.

What should i do if my ex girlfriend is trying to make you jealous?

play along with it then all of a sudden change to not being jelouse and stay that way.

You like each other a lot but he has a girlfriend why is he doing this to you?

he probobly doesnt know you like him so he's trying to make you jealous

Would a boy try to get your attention by sitting with his girlfriend but keep looking at you?

Yes most likely he is trying to make u jealous!