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Just lick them to get them moist, not wet. If you have soft lips, then you shouldn't have to worry. Everybody likes soft lips.

It can be nice, if you are very passionate.

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Q: Is open mouth kissing supposed to be wet?
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Is kissing supposed to be wet or dry?

well it sort of depends usually wet.

Why does a girls mouth sometimes get cold during kissing?

Well My boyfriend recently said my mouth was cold and I had nothing icy and I was completely warm as was he, I honestly cant answer with a completely sure answer but I am going to try. When you kiss you open your mouth right and you put your tongue in there mouth and the mouth gets wet well when you stop and break the air gets in there and you could be warm but air exposed to wet thinks always makes them cold, That is my explianation I hope it helped.

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Open your mouth and say it. Pretty simple(:

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no you can't because when you close your mouth it's just going to desolved.why? because your mouth is wet but again it depends on what you use and where you get it from.

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the most importance is LOVE first and then slowly slowly kissing,touching and so on....

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Because the saliva have chemicals that keep your mouth wet, and gum doesn't sticks in a place with water or a liquid. Your mouth keep the gum wet.

What is saliva do?

it keep your mouth wet.

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well... its like kissing your parents on the cheek unless on the mouth well than it feels like you have a huge wet thing in your mouth flapping around... its gross although it feels a little bit good... :) nothing new.

Diseases transmitted through wet kissing?

Some diseases that can be transmitted through wet kissing include herpes, mononucleosis (caused by the Epstein-Barr virus), and cytomegalovirus (CMV). These viruses are typically spread through direct contact with saliva, making wet kissing a potential mode of transmission.

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Because you and your partner are both wet and your lips are more wet so they move around easier !!!

What should you expect from your first french kiss?

You should expect a feeling of closeness and intimacy with your partner, as well as a new level of physical connection. It's normal to feel nervous or uncertain beforehand, but remember that communication and consent are key. Take your time and enjoy the experience together.

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