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Your grandmother and your wife's grandmother are not related to each other because you are married to your wife.

Especially in small communities, it is possible that they might be related to each other for other reasons. The only way for you to know for sure is to get genetic testing done or do a family tree. Ask other people in the family.

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14y ago
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15y ago

For crying out loud Im sorry but Chewygum has never add such a stupid question(sorry) YOU ARE YOUR GRANDMAS GRANDDAUGYHTER or it your cousin From CHEWYGUM if you have anymore question sent or leave me a message

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13y ago

Your grandfather's wife's daughter is either your mother or your aunt.

But if your grandfather's wife's daughter is from a previous marriage, and your grandfather did not adopt her, then she is not related to you, although she would be a step-sister to one of your parents.

If they grew up together, your family might well consider her to be your aunt, and treat her as such.

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15y ago

The English language has not specific term for such a relationship. Your grandmother can call your wife her grandson's wife, and you wife can call your grandmother her husband's grandmother.

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12y ago

yes, but to the gandmother u would be a law grandson or law grandduaghter

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11y ago

She might be your grandmother or step grandmother

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14y ago


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