No material is not the right way to define on love... Love will come in time with that special someone. Material things only complicate things even more
It is a triangle, one of whose angles is a right angle.
You Can't Do It Right - with the One You Love - was created in 1974.
well it is right to be in love after one night you find out what he/she likes and you have a great time so I say yes it is right to be in love after one night.
"Define" is a verb. It is an action word that describes the act of explaining the meaning of a word or concept.
export management is a process passing goods and material one country to another country.
Experience. Nobody can tell you what you are thinking to any useful degree, and love is something one must discover and define for themselves.
love is such a complicated and complex thing, that there isn't just one word to define it love can be meant in loads of ways, like if you love your family or your pet, or someone. when you love someone, its completely different as its not the love that you feel for your parents love for someone- is when you only want to be with them, and your happy to see them and never want them to go, its when you feel that they are the perfect person for you. :) but love for your family is completely different, as for your family you just love them because they are part of you, and they look after you and keep you safe, though i heard that parents love you much more then you love them.
no you can move on too
it is text love
You have a deep relationship and you don't need to define in those terms at the moment.
Friendship is love without sex Love is friendship with sex INDIA CULTURE One way that I define 'friendship' is when you like to spend time together and do things for one another. 'Love' is a friendship with someone who you can't or don't want to imagine living without
Yes, exactly right! ------------ One time to love like one cat mew One time to love like only you One time to love like to love true One time to love to love like two One time to love to love only you One mew too few -------------