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yes, kissing someone that you love is different to kissing someone that you like by the way that you don't feel the same way when you kiss someone that you like because you don't have that spark of enjoyment or passion so i hope that this answers your question.

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Q: Is kissing someone you love different then kissing someone you like?
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What is passionate kissing?

kissing when you actual meaning like when you truely love someone you kiss, not like your drunk and you kiss someone and have no meaning for it at all.

Is kissing someone you love for the first time the same as kissing your arm or something?

No, not at all. Kissing your arm is just like kissing something soft. Kissing someone on the lips is a whole different experience. This is because the other persons lips move and they might move their tongue around in your mouth. Good luck with your first kiss buddy!

What kind of a kiss is a passionate kiss?

A passionate kiss is different from a regular kiss. A passionate kiss is when you are kissing someone you love, and you kiss someone with the passion that you feel for someone.

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No, You should go with someone you like because if you don't like the person you go out with you may feel uncomfortable kissing them and being held by them. I would go with someone you like.:)

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Its "turns on" people. Girls especially. Its just a way to show your love towards someone special :D

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yeah i feel like kissing her

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People in general love kissing animals, as an expression of their love. So, both boys and girls like kissing animals sometimes.

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YES that would be awful do you really want your friends kissing your secret love HELLO ARE YOU RIGHT IN THE HEAD if you know somebody likes someone do go kissing them its mean and embarrasing

If you like someone does it mean you love them?

No, love and like are two different things. Like is okay, you feel okay about it. Love is all you can think about. As we grow we learn the difference.

How do you kiss someone when you're acting in a play?

Close your eyes and think of kissing someone you would really love to kiss! It's true, that's what many actors do. You might even like it! LOL

Does Robert pattinson love kissing Kristen Stewart?

yes, he does like it

Will hypnosis help getting over the one you love?

Hypnosis can make people do things subconsciously, including kissing someone that they are in love with.