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Yes! If you want to get over her, do it yourself. I have to wonder why you'd want to though.

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3y ago

Not wrong but if your crush already rejected you then they already did that I think. If not then just ask your crush out your heart might not have to be broken

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* Just be honest with your feelings about the break up and he will understand, but, he is heart broken and can't believe why you are unhappy because he may feel he has done everything right to please you. Just be honest, move on and in time he will get over his heart break and get on with his own life. For you to stay out of guilt of hurting him or sympathy is wrong and you should always remain true to yourself.

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First after you break up or realize its not going to work be clingy for about a week. then completely ignore them

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don't think about him or her! try to find someone else. when i had a crush i would just try. i know it's hard but you need to stay strong when you have something that feels like love. you think it's love when it's not and then BAM!!!!!!!! your over the guy. was he close to you and did you really like him? why did you break the crush? did he find someone else?

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Your boyfriend lying to you about exchanging over 70 messages on FaceBook with an old crush is cheating even though they may not be together and are flirting. It's time you told him that you are not putting up with it and it's either her or you. If he continues to contact his old crush then break up with him because you can do better.

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break your own heart by getting them to break your heart until you can't take it any longer.I could give you my ex girlfriends phone number & you could ask her.

If you never give up on your crush but your crush leaves you heart broken ;( what do you do?

Well, what do you think you should do? If he didn’t harm you physically, and you still truly care, just tell him how you feel and felt, if you haven’t already and if you can. Don’t dwell over him, though. He hurt you emotionally and he might do it again. I’m not sure if this is what you want to “hear,” but the information provided wasn’t much, so I went with it.