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Ooh, this is a tricky one.

On the one hand we live in a world where age difference isn't too much of a concern in many cases, so the fact that the parent is in their fifties and the friend late twenties to early thirties shouldn't be a concern.

Also a person should be free to date whomever they desire so long as it's not immoral, such as adultery.

The downside in this situation is that the child will most likely feel uncomfortable about the situation, and that is something the parent and friend should always take into consideration.

The best thing to do is get the opinions of everyone involved. If the child has no objection to the relationship it should be okay. Just keep in mind that there will likely be other people who would look badly on this relationship - such as the friend's parents.

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Q: Is it wrong for a single parent in their fifties to date their grown up child's friend the child and friend are in their late twenties early thirties?
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