

Best Answer

Cheating is an act of selfishness, love is a principle of oneness, which excludes selfishness


I think not, because this man is insecure with self esteem problem. The only thing he was doing is used women for his advantage, and one day this will catch up on him. And you need to let him go, I know it sounds mean and rude but if you let him do what he wanted to do, he will just be using you..

i completely disagree with the answer above..if the love of your life broke your heart, then im sorry to say you wont be getting over him at all. im currently going through same thing right now. once you really found the love of your life and they let you go youll never be the same again and if that was your true love youll never be able to love the same way again true love changes who you are how you see thing and sometimes it just might make you go crazy. in my situation its very complicated i was young when i first fell in love and i made many mistakes its apart of being young i cheated on the love of my life because he wasnt physically around to give me the needs i needed because we had to be separate for a year because of school so i told him about what i did and he forgave me but one random day he called and said it was over and that was that and he said he found someone else now this happened the past July almost a year ago and i still wake up every morning hating myself for cheating and hating my self even more for telling him because that's what lead him into someone elses arm now i hear everyday how happy he is and he seems as if we were never together and he never loved me and i blame myself for it i should have never done what i did but arent people allowed to make mistakes we were eachothers first love and although we were young at first we were together for years things happen and even tho i cry myself to sleep every night i show him that i don't care even tho i still think he reads my mind and knows i still love him apart of deep inside hopes and believes he still loves me back but i believe that if were meant to be, one day it will happen i know in my heart i will always love him and i know the love ii had for him can never be replaced its hard getting over the love of your life and to me its impossible i been sitting here for a year one day i would wake up an don't love but its impossible you don't get over the love of your life if it was the true love of your life. i know that if i could have one chance to start over i would so think before you act and don't fall in love young cause that's when you make mistakes getting over the love of your life doesnt happen just try to love again if possible and if not then you werent meant to love agin just happy you got to love once and hold on to the good memories for forever and if you realllly beieleve that you could get back together one day then hold on to that like its life cause if its meant to happen it will somehwere in the is tough its special its unqiue its one of a kind its painful its joyful its good in the begining but can end really is a way a life and its one of those things you cant live without. i made the MISTAKE of cheating then again i was young but people are normal they make mistakes its part of life and i did and i still do love this person even tho i made the mistake i believe were meant to be and just cause i made that MISTAKE it didn change any feelings towards him from me.


No. If you TRULY love someone, you will not cheat. Period.

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Its possible because love endures all things.

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AnswerIf your in love you won't cheat. If a girl truly loves a guy, she won't cheat. And vice versa. If a guy truly loves a girl, he won't cheat. If you love one another DO NOT CHEAT!AnswerIf you're going to cheat on someone, then you might just as well stay single.ANSWER:I don't think all girls cheat on their guys. But if she does it, she was given a reason why. We all need to know that no matter who we are by gender if we were given reason it will be easy to cross that path. So to avoid this, we need to love each others or else it will end up on that direction. In my own opinion.AnswerNormally, people who cheat have a problem within themselves that has nothing to do with their partner. Cheating is a form of avoiding the real problem, something that the person may not be aware of, but certainly doesn't want to think about or deal with. This is true of girls who cheat and boys who cheat as well. It's of little comfort to know this except to be aware that when someone does cheat on you, it has nothing to do with you.

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