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Yes, I found i was less than two weeks pregnant with my first child, they ran it twice to make sure. I wasn't even late for my period yet.

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Q: Is it possible to find out if your four or two weeks pregnant by blood test?
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S it possible to still be pregnant if i have gotten my period i am experiencing heavy blood flow how can i know if im pregnant or not?

I have had 5 pregnancies and with 3 of them I had bleeding, one of them I had 3 regular periods in the first 20 weeks with spotting. so its very possible to be pregnant and still have your periods. the only way to find out if youre pregnant is to be tested, either a home pregnancy test or a blood test (which would be the most reliable) Goodluck

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It is not possible to determine the sex by ultrasound until about 19 weeks along. If you do an amniocentesis, you can normally find out around 12 weeks.

How early can you find out your pregnant?

Two weeks

Can you find out if you're pregnant after 2 weeks?

Only if you have missed your period. Yes. You can find out you are pregnant two weeks after intercourse exactly or you can go by the date of your next upcoming period.

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you certainly can!!!!!!!!! :)

How long does it take to find out when a women is pregnant?

3 weeks

What is the earliest you can find out you are pregnant after sex?

3 weeks after sex at the earliest

Blood tests to find out if your pregnant?

Visit link

How does a doctor tell if you are pregnant?

They do a blood or urine test to find the hormones that indicate you are pregnant

Is it possible for a guy to get pregnant?

No, it's not possible. If you look up pics of a pregnant man, all the pics you find obviously, all the guys you find have fake stomachs.

How many months pregnant is 22 weeks?

22 weeks is about 5 months and two weeks. You find the answer with the formula 22 / 4 = 5.5.

Is it possible to take the pill then a few weeks later you find out you are pregnant then a few days after you have your period Was if a false alarm or what?

It could be a false alarm, bleeding while still pregnant, or a miscarriage. Contact your health care provider today for advice.