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I would guess that if CPS found out, you would have big problems, unless you can prove a medical need for the diapers and that he is incapable of changing them himself.

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Q: Is it ok for my 12 year old son to wear star diapers and he wants me to change him?
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In petz nursery how do you change their diapers?

petz do not wear diapers

What if your 6 year old still wants to wear diapers?

You let him or her wear diapers. You can't force the 6 year old to do something they don't want to do.

What should you do if your child wants to wear diapers?

I would let the child wear diapers a often as he or she likes cause they aren't hurting anything and if they like it let them.

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Say what?

Can a 13 year old boy wear girl diapers?

If he likes the design and the colors then let him wear them. Plus if wants to wear a dress let him.

Can you change diapers on adults if they have Spina Bifida?

If they are unable to change their own, and if they wear diapers, you can. Not all adults with Spina Bifida wear diapers, and many who do are quite capable of changing them by themselves.

Is ok if a parent changes a 10 year olds diapers?

It is fine for your child to wear diapers but you schould not change your 10 year olds diapers. He should do it on his own.

What should i do if my son wants to wear diapers?

Yes. Let him but only at home. Dont let his friends find out.

When to wear diapers?

Babies and young toddlers generally wear diapers.

How can you sneak diapers?

Find diapers I am 18 and I still wear diapers pampers cruisers I am 18 and I still wear diapers pampers cruisers

Do lots of girls wear diapers?

No, 99.9% of all the females i know do not wear diapers.

Do people were diapers for comfort?

no -------- yes more and more wear diapers because it´s moch easier to change two times a day then to use toilets