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If you are young and not very experienced with girls, it is pretty normal to become very interested in girl's bodies. Even if you are not interested in dating them. Stay away from swimming parties, because those bikinis will just drive you crazy.

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Q: Is it normal that I've become obsessed with even my friend's breasts?
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What happens when your breasts?

It is normal for your breasts to get larger as you grow.

You are getting swollen breasts at ovulation is this normal?

Swelling and tenderness of the breasts around ovulation time can be normal.

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yes it is from experience this is said I am obsessed with my ex I feel you I always try to dress like he is missing something so yes its normal

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Why do your breasts hurt before a period?

Breasts can become tender before menstruation as a result of hormonal imbalance, higher levels of estrogen can cause the ducts of the breasts to swell and become tender. This is a common symptom of menstruation but shouldn't be considered normal, it can be reduced by regulating hormones or if it continues you should talk to your doctor about the problem.

I am obsessed with Twilight and Robert Pattinson is this normal?

Yes :) ;D

Is it normal people with autism be obsessed with colors and numbers?

not really...................

Is it normal to be obsessed with wrestling?

If you love it and enjoy them then that's great.Wrestling is a beautiful obsession so if u obsessed with it don't think ur abnormal because the are many people out there also obsessed with it and so are the wrestlersAnsweryes it is fine to be obsessed because i am

All your friends wear bras and i dont im 12?

it is normal for you. you can start getting breasts at the age of 9 and end at 14. i started at 10. and had my period at 12.

When will your breasts be normal?

depends on when you started puberty.

Can your breasts hurt if they are just growing?

Yes. As breasts grow, it is normal for them to be tender or a bit sore.

Your breasts are growing slower than others and all of your friends have started their period but yours havn't is that normal?

that is not abnormal... some girls do not start their menstrual till they are 18 or 19.