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It's a little early, but still quite normal.

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Q: Is it normal for teenagers to argue with there parents a lot at age 13?
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Can your parents kick you out at the age of eighteen in Alabama and if so do they still have to support you?

Yes, a teenagers parents can kick the teen out at the age of 18. The parents no longer have to support the child after they reach legal age.

Why are teenagers important for tourism?

Teenagers are important for this because they have the most money out of any of the age groups. For instance they have jobs but they do not have to pay bills and such and there parents also supply them with money. So they are usually the target for travel and such.

What age do you have to be to have sims?

well, the game is rated T, so that means it's for teenagers and older. so the suggested age is 13 but if your younger and your parents let you that's up to them

If you get married at age 16 can you get a house also?

Only if your parents give you one, and most parents can't afford it. There is no agency in the US giving away houses to teenagers on their wedding day.

Does Mindless Behavior do what kids do?

Yes! They do what normal boys their age do. The only thing that sets them apart from other teenagers is that they live a life most people their age only dream about! :)

Are parents still responsible for their teenagers once they decide to leave their home at the age of 17?

Yes, the parent remains responsible. Until they reach the age of majority, normally 18 or are emancipated, they remain the responsibility of the parents. They determine where the child can live.

Which groups would advertisers most likely target for a popular children's toy Babies under age 2 Children under age 12 Teenagers College Students Parents?

Children under the age of 12 who get their parents or grandparents to buy the toy.

What age does child have right to say no to visitation?

A child can say no to visitation at any age. When they become pre teens or teenagers they usually have sports, friends and sleep overs to use as an excuse not to go to a parents home they don't wish to be at. Most parents don't push it after a certain age.

What do parents want for their teenagers?

parents want their teenagers to be with well developed body so that they may need not worry about this matter in their future.... Under developed bodies don't look good ....specially between the age of 15 - 19 This age is very special age for a teenager and for their parents also... I think mothers must help their daughters during all age of development... Beyond this.... Parents also want their children to study well and also to maintain their health that their future be safe Parents of a girl want her to be health to be in figure so that she be happy with her look... All parents are very cautious about their children Even my parents too...... I think i helped you BYE....BYE....TAKE CRE

How old do you have to be where your parents cant control you?

In the United States the normal age of emancipation is 18. There are still many things that are not available to you at that age but privacy is promised at that age.

Should parents pay for wedding for people over forty?

Age is only a number, and some parents insist on it as long as they're still alive. If you're in this situation, don't fight or argue. Just thank them.

Why do parents make their kids move?

Moving out is usually a normal part of a child's life which happens around the age when themselves and their parents consider him an adult.