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There is no "normal" but if your feeling insecure about it enough to ask a complete stranger then you obviously have some trepidation. In my opinion people should date those of similar age. But it is up to you. Think about the reasons this boy would go out with a 13 year old?

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12y ago

No it is not normal. Physical and mental maturity differences at those ages is a large difference. Any 16 year old that would be interested in a 13 year old does not care about her.

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Q: Is it normal for a 13 year old to go out with a 16 year old?
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Is it normal that a 16 year old goes out with a 13 year old?

No, it is not normal and it is very risky. Since the 13 year old is way below the age of consent, there could be all sorts of accusations and even criminal charges against the older one.

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Im only 13 so i dont have kids but no i dont think its normal

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yes because the normal range is 77 to 135 for kids 12 to 16

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oily skin which is normal for a 16 year old

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Well, what happens is this. A 13 and 16 year old have a baby and their parents end up raising it!

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About 5"8 a girl 16 year old would be 5"4

Can a 16 year old go out with a 13 year old?

No. The 16 year old, depending on where they live, are at the age of consent and could get into trouble going out with a 13 year old. In some states the age of consent is 16 while in others it is 18. This makes a difference. Either way the 13 year old is considered a minor child and it is illegal for them to date.

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