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If you have asked that person from the bottom of your heart to forgive you and you know in your heart to be sincere.....then the ball goes back to his/her court. Then you should rest in the fact that you did your part. So it shudnt be hard to forgive yoself...

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it is actually really tough than you thing but a person your apoligizing to is a, i dont care person then i think its easy

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Q: Is it more difficult to forgive yourself if the person you have hurt doesn't forgive you?
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Indulge yourself sensibly and force yourself not to think about them. Keep busy and give of yourself a lot in public service. Part of forgiving yourself is recognizing that the situation is past. Just avoid confrontation with that person.

Why is difficult to forgive?

Forgiveness can be difficult because it requires letting go of negative emotions, accepting the hurt caused, and moving forward without seeking revenge or holding a grudge. It may also involve processing complex emotions and rebuilding trust, which can take time and effort.

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If it has to be forced it isn't real. A person should be wanted for who they are not who the other person wants them to be. Let it happen naturally and be yourself, if that doesnt attract this person, move on.

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That is up to them. All you can do is your best to prove you have changed and truly understand what it is that you put them through. Let them know how much you understand how you hurt them and how sorry you are. Sometimes no matter what we do, others can't or won't forgive us. Then its best to just forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, and move on, leaving that person be.

How do you love yourself?

You love yourself by accepting that you are human and have faults and bad qualities along with your good qualities. Accept that you are flawed - just like everybody else - and forgive yourself for that, then keep trying to be a good person.

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it means if someone wrongs you then you can forgive them God tells us in the bible that if you do not forgive then he cannot forgive you.

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i think she will...... bcuz she is a nice person she will. forgive and forget

Is it possible to forgive your father's former mistress for the hurt she caused you?

It is possible to forgive, but sometimes this is difficult in the particular circumstances. You could be guided by your mother - has she forgiven? You could look at the former mistress and try to see whether, apart from this indiscretion, she was otherwise a good person. You do not have to forgive, and perhaps you do not have to even try. Do what you feel is best for you and your family in achieving closure of this affair.

How do you forgive yourself for not loving a nice person back who's been in love for 2 years?

By recognizing that though that person may have fallen in love with you, you didn't and you have no reason to feel guilty for the fact that you just don't see a certain person in the way that they do.