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"We want to be your friends" seems better.

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Q: Is it correct to say we want to be your friend?
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Is this a correct sentence- you want that he be your friend?

Yes, it is correct, but rather literary, not to say old-fashioned in today's idiomatic English. In normal speech, the phrase is "You want him to be your friend" or "you want to be friends with him."

Is heard by a friend correct?

It is correct if it is what you intend to say. If you mean that your friend heard something, and then related it to you, you can say that it was heard by a friend. Your friend heard it. If you mean that YOU heard something, and you heard it because your friend told you, then you heard it from a friend.

What do you say if you're in the mood to correct the mistaken statement of a friend?

you correct them.

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my wife and i

What is correct your friend lives in Broad Street or your friend lives at Broad Street?

Your friend lives on Broad Street is the correct form.You would say: Your friend lives in Albany.You would say: Your friend lives at the corner of Broad Street and River Road.

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"Former friend of Jane and me" is grammatically correct. In this case, "me" is the correct pronoun to use since it is the object of the preposition "of."

Is it correct to say carefully or more carefully?

It is correct to say them both, but it matters on what you want to say.

How do you say to a friend i want be her friend again after an argument?

say I just became that way that I didn't want to ruin our friendship

How do you say in spanish what you and your friend want to do?

"What you and your friend want to do" is literally "Lo que mi amigo y yo queremos hacer." If you want to say "My friend and I want to... " that would be "Mi amigo y yo queremos..."

How do you say I went to a friend's house?

The sentence "I went to a friend's house" is correct, meaning you traveled there. Another synonym is that you "visited" your friend.

What do I say when I really don't like my friend?

if you want to be my friend be more nice

How do you say my soul friend?

I need to know what language you want to say it in before I can answer the question. Please say what language you want to say it in.