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Oh yes, and they are usually the masters of "mind games." Call his bluff. Tell him to go and keep going and don't be foolish enough to let him back into your life. Each mate should be respectful of one another and anyone who mentally/physically abuses their mate (this goes for women too) should not dare bring the word "love" into the conversation. Love is about respect, honesty, loyalty and being best friends as well as lovers. If you are tired of this then please go to an Abused Women's Center and they will help you through the whole transition period. They will teach you not to go back to your abuser or pick abusive men. There is a definite pattern in women who are abused either going back to their abusers or finding another abusive mate. Why? Because they have been brain-washed into believing they are useless without someone telling them what to do and say. They have feelings of worthlessness, fear and that they can't make it on their own. Of course they can! Good luck Merry Christmas Marcy

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Q: Is it common for an abusive man to say his feelings for you have changed to keep you off balance?
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