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Not at that age ! Most kids want to look a bit older.

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Q: Is it bad to look about 2 years older than you really are and your 14?
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If you are 100% sure, go for it. I mean, really. Look around. For most married couples, the guy is usually 2+ years older than the girl. If you both feel like that, then all I can say is, JACKPOT!!

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If he was sensible could you date a guy six years older than you?

Im dating a guy sx years older than me, he is an amazing person and really knows how to treat me right. He is sensible and loving. I think dating someone older than you is perfectly ok! Im dating a guy sx years older than me, he is an amazing person and really knows how to treat me right. He is sensible and loving. I think dating someone older than you is perfectly ok!

How much older than Cleopatra was Marc Antony?

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I am 33 years older than my girlfriend?

If you really love her that's isn't the problem.

Are guys who look 2 years older than they are considered attractive?

dont be silly.

What do you do if you really like someone that is a lot older than you?

Firsty how much older are they and what are their ages. plus does the older person feel the same way and is he or she in a relationship. He is 5 years older than me and not in a relationship, we always talk and are really close but i dont know whether we are in a relationship.

If you are fourteen and if you put on heels and a dress and look twenty is that bad?

It is not bad, it just means you look older than you really are.

What does it mean if you like a guy that's 3 years older than you?

Nothing really. It just means you like older men.

Why does the Giver look older than he really is?

The Giver looks older than he really is due to the burden of his memories and the toll it takes on his emotions and physical body. The weight of carrying the memories of the past ages him prematurely, adding to his appearance of being older than his actual age.