no but she is dating someone unknownNo, but she has been dating The Miz for a while.
If you are not dating your friend on a steady basis then you are free to do as you please and date who you please and make sure your friend understands that.
Yes. Friends with benefits is when you are friends, not in love with each other, and have a sexual relationship. You can still be looking for partners to fall in love with while this goes on.
yes, it is
Tell your best friends and if they are angry leave them alone for a while until they calm down
You can be friends with anyone as long as you put your mind to it. It may no be the best friendship at first, but it could grow to the appropriate level.
It said a while back on his myspace page that he was dating someone, but I don't know who.
If you haven't seen someone in a while do you know if they are dating or not? You don't just go and kiss someone. TBH kissing someone you haven't seen in a while would be totally weird
if your refering if they are dating then no they are not dating but they have an eye on someone They used to date for a while though.
You have to have boundaries and don't cross the line. If you find that you cannot abide by this then chances are you are going to allow one another to be friends with benefits and that always end in hurt - just doesn't work. You have to stay totally platonic, respect one anothers boundaries and not get jealous while one another is dating. It is possible but you have to both let yourself move past your time of dating.
Just stop hanging out with them for a while and be friends with someone else.
because they were bored of what they were seing