That would depend on several things. Do you talk to your boyfriend about your ex as in things you and he used to do together? Do you talk about him in a manner that would indicate to your boyfriend that you still love, or miss your ex? Do you tell your boyfriend things like, "That's not the way my ex did it"? If so, then it is a problem.
If you boyfriend always talks about is ex that means he hasn't gotten over her yet. An might still have some feelings for her. Ask he does he still love her and is he ever going to move on.
you go out with another guy. kiss the other guy in front of your ex and hold his hand. if your ex is still your friend then when you talk to your ex talk about the other guy alot. hope this works! *rubs hands together and smiles evilly* >:)
Try to make each other happy try to be friends if you can't don't talk to each other.
if between two other digits ex: 3009 or ending zeros when there is a decimal ex: 54.300
Depends what is the topic for the fashion debate. Is it like writing what's in and what's not, or what is a acceptable choice of clothing or not? Think about the topic, remember the thing your debating about (ex: whether a short shorts should be lower than your arm span) then you talk about why you think that ______should/not be ______ (ex: acceptable). Write it like you would write a essay.
Move on. If he does not want to talk to you then you can't be friends. An Ex is An Ex for a reason
No it is not bad - he is your ex and really why would you want or need to talk to him.
Go with funny stories about friends, stay away from ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends.
An Ex-Addict would be acceptable.
there's a reason they are a ex
To talk to other people online Ex. Skype combat arms
Sure, why would you keep a secret from your significant other?