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It is not okay to date your half niece. You are still in some way blood related and if you ever were to have a child together, it may be subject to deformities.

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Q: Is it Ok to date your half niece?
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Technically, the baby would be your half-niece or half-nephew, and you would be their half-uncle or half-aunt. But many people dislike the term half or step (I have two stepsons and one natural son) and only for official purposes would I use the term half or step. So I'm with C3 Shooter on this, treat them as your nephew or niece.

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Totally not classy! unless you are sure both of you cant afford it. Have them pay for half, (go dutch)

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Yes it is. Unless you're talking about going further, and one is eighteen and the other isn't. That's a no.

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That depends on the situation. Your brother's sister-in-law could be your wife or the wife of one of your other siblings. As long as the sister-in-law is not married, there is no reason you can't.

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Its ok to date a handicapped.No the ideas will not interfere with your relationship.