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Girls brains mature more quickly than boys brains do.

This is a reason why most girls actually find boys of their own age a bit childish.

I would think that the age-difference described is actually ideal.

True love is not about age. It is about ones feelings for each other.

Bear in mind that sex is not legal as such in all states or all countries at the age of 16.

At the age of 18, he can be punished by law for having sex with a girl under the age of consent.

There are some Romeo and Juliet parts intertwined in the law so that teens having sex with a person within 3 years of age will be protected, but I am unsure if this apply in all states or even if it apply if the oldest party has reached the age of consent.

Dating however does not have to involve sex.

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14y ago
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15y ago

it is perfectly fine as long as its ok for you and your parents. if your parents don't know, i guess you have to like the boy

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15y ago

In a way it is okay for a 16 year old male to date a 20 year old female but the female may change her mind about the relationship and want to date someone older and/or more mature.

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13y ago

No! If ther'e not both over or under eighteen, it is not legal.

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No. It is not okay for a 16-year-old to date a 20-year-old, male or female. Just because it's legal doesn't automatically make it okay. It is still gross.

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11y ago

It can happen.......possibilities

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