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Because Islam is a religion and not an ethnic group, discrimination against Muslims in general cannot be classified as racist.

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Q: Is islamophobia racist
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Would islamophobia be counted as being racist?

Although I'm sure many Muslims would take offense to it, I don't believe it is racist. My reasoning behind it is that any phobia is a mental disorder, some minor, some severe, either way it is uncontrolable for the person posessing it. (This is with the assumption they actually do have it, and are not using it as an excuse to be insulting).

What are the release dates for Islamophobia - 2011 TV?

Islamophobia - 2011 TV was released on: USA: 2011 Japan: 2 July 2012

Is anti semitism and islamophobia the same?

"Anti-Semitism" is a word which is used to refer to hatred of Jews. "Islamophobia" translates to "fear of Islam."

What is the crisis right now in America?

Islamophobia, and the market.

What are some of the earliest uses of the word Islamophobia?

Islamophobia can be directly traced to the early nineteenth century to the 1918 biography of the Islam prophet Mohammad. Also it has been used more recently after the 911 attacks.

Where does islamophobia come from?

Islamophobia can stem from a range of factors including ignorance, misinterpretation of Islamic beliefs and practices, political conflicts involving Muslim-majority countries, and media stereotyping. Additionally, fear, prejudice, and negative experiences with individuals who identify as Muslim can contribute to the development of Islamophobic attitudes.

What is a white racist?

It depends on how one uses the term "white racist". To some, white racist is someone who is white and they are also racist. To others, however, a white racist is someone who is racist exclusively towards white people.

Is Gandhi racist?

No, Gandhi was not racist.

Was huey long a racist?

No he was not a racist.

Is it racist to dislike a racist?

No. It would only be racist if you were to hate the racists' race in return.

How do racist people feel after being racist?

they feel great after a good racist comment!

What is the plural form of racist?

The plural form for the noun racist is racists.The word racist is also an adjective.