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No, the index finger is the first finger while the ring finger is the third, although some people do wear rings on it as well as the ring finger.

Answer: The index finger is the "pointer" finger, the one next to your thumb. The "ring" finger is two over, next to your pinky. Of course, you can wear a ring on whichever finger it fits on.

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Q: Is index finger also ring finger?
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Compare male index finger to ring finger length to female fingers?

On males the ring finger is generally longer than the index finger, while on females, the index finger is generally longer than or equal to the ring finger.

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Is it that a mans ring finger is longer than his index finger and a womans index finger is longer than her ring finger?

Which finger is a mother's ring traditionally worn?

the Index Finger

How do you tell if She is really a He?

You can easily tell by the hand if their index finger is longer then their ring finger it's a she. If their ring finger is longer then their index finger it's a he. very simple very easy.

What are the five fingers called?

A normal human doesn't have five fingers on one hand. You only have four because you call you pinky the pinky fingerand you call your ring the ring finger, you call the middle the middle finger, you call the index the index finger. But you don't call the thumb the thumb finger it is just a thumb. So you really only have four fingers not five.

What finger do you wear your purity ring on?

There is no specific finger that a purity ring must be worn on. It is a personal choice. Most people choose to wear it on their ring finger on their left hand, similar to a wedding ring, but it can be worn on any finger.

Which is the odd one out of Bowl-Ring-Little-Index?

The odd one out is Bowl all the other ones refer to a type of finger i.e Ring Finger, Little Finger, and Index Finger

How can you punch harder?

You hit as hard as you can and tighten your index, middle, and ring finger. You also bend your thumb over your index & middle finger at about a 90 degree angle.

Is a womens index longer then the ring finger?


What is the name of five fingers in Hindi and English?

Hindi : Angutha,tarjani,madhyama,anamika,kanishtha English : thumb,forefinger or index finger,middle finger,ring finger, little finger.