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Yes it is a form of love. It's touching and letting the person know their feelings without words being exchanged.

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Q: Is holding the hands tightly mean love?
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What does holding hands with interlocked fingers mean?

It shows deep love <3 I do this with my boyfriend, its like not wanting to let go at all so you hold on in a tighter way than the other way of holding hands :) just my opinion <3

Does 2 people holding hands symbolize a relationship?

not nessasarily!!!!! But yes it does typically mean that you are in a relationship if you are holding hands. But it depends which way you hold hands!!!!!!!!!!

Is Justin Bieber in love with selona gomez?

Yes, they are always caught holding hands and kissing, so that must mean THEY'RE DATING!

What symbols mean caring?

Holding hands means caring.

Another word for holding something tightly?

Some words that mean "seize" or "hold firmly" are:gripclutchgraspclaspclench

What does different ways of holding hands mean?

They don't mean anything in particular. However, worrying about what they mean means that you have way too much time on your own hands.

What does the word clenching mean?

The word clenching means to tightly grip your hand or hands, to close or squeeze together or to clinch a bolt. Mostly it is referred to when using your hands.

What does it mean when a guy rubs your palm with his thumb while you're holding hands?

As a woman i thought it ment that they care about you but i have discussed this matter with several men and they have come to the conclusion that if they are rubbing a womans palm while holding hands they are trying to tell them something. Either that they love you, they care about you or they want sexual relations with you. Laura-leigh

What does it mean when your guinea pig squeals when you hold it?

It probably means you are holding it too tightly or the wrong way. It may also be scared.

What does it mean when a guy hugs you with his hands down around you and yours around his neck?

Hugging with the guy's hands around your waist and yours around his neck typically signifies a more intimate and protective gesture. It can suggest a desire for closeness and connection.

What is the meaning of the word 'clutching'?

"Clutching" typically refers to grabbing or holding onto something tightly, often with one's hands. It can also describe a strong or desperate attempt to maintain control or achieve something.

What does it mean when you hold hands?

it means they love each other