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Please resubmit your question as it is not clear what he was doing to possibly be "flirting" to be able to offer an answer if it may have been or not. Thank you.

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Well it depends what he's doing! Is he poking you with his pencil? Is he staring at you during class, or somewhere else?

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Q: Is he flirting with me or just being friendly?
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A colleague I like has a girlfriend but smiles and winks at me when he sees me. Is it possible that he is not flirting with me but just being friendly Is he wrong to wink at me?

If your colleague's girlfriend is winking at you, it could jut be his way of being nice to you. It is also a good possibility that he is flirting with you.

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no fool.smiling is being friendly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- it's both friendly and romantic. but it will depend on how you use it fool

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its hard to tell sometimes if he's flirting or being my advice if he's all touchy-feely and giving you all the signals then he's flirting. If he's just joking around with you then he's just being friendly... If it's still worrying you confront your friend about it. See what she says.You already know the answer to that one ... tell him to back off because he's going with your best friend. It is not worth a guy coming between two best friends. Let him know you aren't interested, but don't tell your best friend about it and hurt her.

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if he wants to kiss you, don't be shy

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If the boy has a girlfriend, he is probably just being friendly with you.

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How is telling somebody their attractive flirting?

Honestly, I don't see how it is. UNLESS...You are saying to somebody, "You are hot." or "You are sexy." THAT can be condoned as flirting. But just simply telling someone, "You look nice/pretty today.." or "That outfit looks good on you." I don't see how that is flirting, it's merely being friendly and giving somebody a compliment.

What to do with big flirts?

well there are alot of those but the best thing you can do is not give them any reason to keep it going and try to stay awayAnswerIf you are in a relationship with them and they are flirting with you, take it for what its worth. If you are in a relationship with them and they are flirting with some one else, question their motive. If you are not in a relationship with them, and both of you are single, it could be there way of being friendly or just their normal behavior. If they and you are in separate relationships, it could just be their way of being friendly. Your question is quite vague. Hope this helps.

How do you tell if a boy is flirting or just being mean?

if he is trying 2 get your attention he likes u and flirting but if hes not he is being mean.

If You go out with a boy and he talks to other girls and dont claim you?

You should leave him if he is flirting with other girls because he shows no interest in you. Apart from that he is just being friendly, don't get jealous.

How do you know if a guy is flirting with you or just being nice?

It depends how much they do it. If they do it a lot they are most likely flirting, but if they do it once in a while they are most likely just being nice.