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The laws of England and of most western countries forbid incest, that is, sex within the family. So one may not have sex with one's child, parent or sibling. Furthermore, the "prohibited degrees of consanguinity & affinity" prohibit marriage between a wider group than the "incest group".

It is lawful, (and in some communities,particularly some Jews and Muslims, common), for first cousins to marry. This has the benefit of keeping family ties and assets intact; and exploits a sound gene pool..... BUT. A big but! Marriage between close relatives raises the likelihood of the emergence of some vicious recessive genes.

For example, although the Pakistani population of the UK is only a few percent, because this group has so many first-couin marriages, around ONE-THIRTD of the UK's genetically damages babies are born to this group.

The answer is: marry out, and benefit from "Hybrid Vigour".

Learn from Charles Darwin: mongrels really ARE healthier than thoroughbreds!

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13y ago

You can, but it may be illegal.

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Q: Is getting sex wiht your cousin ok?
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let them know you CAN NOT HAVE A RELATIONSHIP with them. It is illegal. If that doesn't work, file harrasment charges. If you love them then it's ok. Since it's your cousin u can have sex with them all you want but don't tell anybody about it

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that makes no sense!!!

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As long as you have sex in the privacy of your own home. You cannot marry your immediate family including immediate cousins (illegal: mom's brother's daughter).

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that is ok...

Is it ok to be in love with your cousin?

It is okay to have a crush on your cousin but it is a little awkward to be in love/have a crush on your 1st or 2nd cousin in my opinion

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If you like your cousins girlfriends kid then i think its okay since its not your cousin but you may want to discuss it with your cousin and his girlfriend first.

Is it ok to date you best friends cousin?

i think so i dont but i think it is ok

I went to my first cousin's wedding and I met my second cousin and all the younger guests hung out then the rest of our cousins had to leave and we wear hanging out and having fun does he like me?

Um yeah as a cousin I guess. Remember it's ok to joke around with somebody that's of the opposite sex and have fun without them having to have a crush on you.

Is it ok to petition your second cousin once removed as fiance?

It is legal in most places to marry your second cousin once removed. Whether it is OK to ask that cousin to marry you depends on how you family and community respond to such things.