That's not abuse. It's an argument. I disagree with the above comment. If a man calls a woman fat, ugly or stupid it is considered Abuse. The name calling makes her feel inferior. In this case A Wife calling her husband a Thief initially is an attack on his Character & Honesty. If he asked for an apology & she states "You were stealing", Her reply is intended to hurt & it is insulting. Calling someone a Thief is The Lowest of Insults.I believe anytime someone, "REACCUSES" It is deliberate & intended to hurt & IT IS THEREFORE ABUSIVE. Selica
Not really. If that is the only thing that she is doing. But if she is saying it to get even then you must have done something wrong! Did you steal anything?
Stop or I'll shoot! Reach for the sky! I'm calling the cops! Where are my pants? Kiss me, you thief.
calling the police would be the smartest thnig to do
A compulsive thief is someone who has an irresistible urge to steal, often without any need or desire for the items being taken. It is typically considered a symptom of a mental health disorder such as kleptomania.
The term for someone who steals crops is a "crop thief" or a "crop poacher".
If she's reaching that far to come up with negative stuff against you, let it drop. It sounds like she's desperate to justify her position. As for whether it's abuse, no. You aren't bleeding, no broken bones and if you've gone to a counselor for stuff it sounds like there is already plenty of conflict. If we start allowing that kind of behavior to be considered "abuse", then we diminish the outrage of REAL abuse. The simple fact is, we're all called names, accused of things that didn't happen and generally "abused" verbally. But it's not really abuse. It's just a cry for attention.
Are the police catching the thief. active - The police caught the thief. passive - The thief was caught
A person who steals and lies can be referred to as a thief or a liar. They may also be considered deceitful or dishonest in their actions.
whar duty for a nursing assisting
A stealer!!!!! a burgler, thief, stealer like the other guy said.. A kleptomaniac.
Someone who steals something owned by someone else