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As long as he didn't break any of your marriage vows I can't see why there would be a problem. The fact that he kept it from you is maybe because he thought you would over-react so he thought to possibly keep this information from you. If he had of slept with the girl in question then I'd say you had something to complain about, but since this doesn't seem to be the case, I'd let it go if I were you.

Any time something is keep from you by your spouse,there is reason for question. If nothing is going on he should have told you from the start that they were communicating in that fashion. I would ask him to distance himself from her if it makes you uncomfortable.


I'm so sorry but it is, and maybe his already have deep feelings for this younger woman, like what the man I married..

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Q: Is an emotional affair still an affair My husband has been involved with an employee 19 years younger sharing advice with her daily for two years and kept it a secret friendship from his wife?
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