

Best Answer
  • Abusing alcohol is both ... genetic in some cases and sometimes people get into drinking far too much when they are out socially. Often when a young person is not confident in themselves or they want to be part of 'the in crowd' they may indulge in too much alcohol and can get addicted. Adults that have high profile jobs in corporations, etc., where going out and drinking while having dinner or meeting at a bar can often succumb to alcohol abuse.
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Q: Is alcohol abuse biologically determined or culturally influenced?
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What Debates as to weather alcohol abuse is biologically determined or culturally influenced are most relevant to the issue of?

The debate surrounding alcohol abuse being biologically determined or culturally influenced is crucial in understanding the root causes of addiction and developing effective prevention and treatment strategies. By exploring how genetics and environment interact in shaping behaviors related to alcohol consumption, policymakers and healthcare professionals can design targeted interventions that address both biological vulnerabilities and societal factors contributing to alcohol abuse. This issue is particularly relevant in the context of public health initiatives aimed at reducing alcohol-related harm and promoting overall well-being.

Is alcohol abuse viewed as a social problem?

Yes, it usually is, although that perception is culturally defined.

How did Babe Ruth's alcohol problem start?

The stress of baseball influenced it.

In NC what is the legal blood alcohol limit if it is determined the operator was Boating Under the Influence of Intoxicants?

the legal blood alcohol limit if it is determined the operator was Boating Under the Influence of Intoxicants is .08 persent

What are the bio alcohol fuels?

Alcohols has been used as a fuel. The first four alcohols (methanol, ethanol,propanol and butanno are of interest as fuels because they can be synthesized chemically or biologically. And these fules are also known as bio alcohol fules.

How does alcohol in a thermometer work?

Alcohol in a thermometer expands when heated and contracts when cooled. This change in volume causes the level of alcohol in the thermometer to rise or fall. By measuring the level of the alcohol, the temperature of the substance being measured can be determined.

Who determines if the alcohol content of a beer appears on the label?

That is determined by state and federal laws.

Does shock affect blood alcohol levels?

No, shock does not affect blood alcohol levels. Blood alcohol levels are influenced by the amount of alcohol consumed and how quickly the body metabolizes it, not by a person's state of shock.

In Virginia what is the legal blood alcohol limit if it is determined the operator was Boating Under the Influence of intoxicants?

In Virginia, the legal blood alcohol limit is 0.08%.

How is blood alcohol determined?

Level of intoxication and, for legal purposes, whether or not an individual is capable of driving or performing other tasks safely.

Can an Iron Deficient anemia make you blow a higher Blood alcohol level?

No your blood alcohol content (bac) is determined by home much alcohol is in you system. How ever anemia can cause you to feel more intoxicated.

What is Oregon's legal blood alcohol limit if it is determined the operator was Boating Under the Influence of Intoxicants?
