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It would depend on her height. Use the BMI calculator below as a starting point. No way, I have a friend who is oyur height but hwo is not so lucky--she weighs 120 pounds. But she is happy with who she is, and you should be too!

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Q: Is a twelve year old girl that is 5 ft that weighs 103 lbs fat She is muscular and very athletic?
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What is the average weight for a 5.4foot twelve year old girl?

anywhere from 105 to 135, maybe even 145. Are you muscular? Because muscles weighs more than fat.

If im 12 and athletic that's 5'1 and weighs 95 am i overweight im a girl?

No not at all

Is a 14-year-old 5'9 muscular girl overweight if she weighs 135 and she plays 3 sports basketball volleyball and boxing?

Absolutely not. muscle weighs more than fat and you have to take your height into consideration too. you are perfect for your height and body structure and sound very athletic. you are healthy and have nothing to worry about.

If a short 12 year old girl weighs 44 kilos and is muscular overweigt?

no its just mucele

What should a nearly twelve year old girl weigh if she is 4' 9''?

I'm '4 "10 and twelve and I weigh 90 pounds. This other girl who is exactly my height weighs 86 pounds and another weighs 110. The average weight is around 95 pounds though.

How can an athletic extremely smart messy could be glamorous twelve year old girl get a job?

Can't they are hiring 14 year old and higher.

Do guys not like athletic girls and if a girl is a little bit muscular do they think that is grose or hot?

to me it all depends on the guy it and shouldn't matter about looks on the out side it should matter about the inside

Is a 12-year-old girl overweight if she is 5'7'' and weighs 137 pounds but she is very athletic?

If you are athletic and by athletic you mean that you play a real sport and are good at it than yeah that sounds like a good weight for you because I am 5 2" and I weigh 124 pounds and you are A LOT TALLER than me!!!

How far can a fourteen year old girl throw under handed?

it depends if shes skinny, muscular, etc. It all goes into account whether she is athletic, couch potato, or Olympic star.

What is the average weight for a 9 year old girl who is 7?

The average weight...possibly around 65-80lbs on average. But, if your really tall, you'll weigh more. If you're really athletic or muscular, you'll typically weigh more. Some girls have a different build which can make them look thick, muscle weighs more than fat.

Is a girl height 4'10 and weighs 147 over weight shes 13?

Yes. Her BMI is horrible. She's considered obese at that height. Unless, however, she is extremely muscular.

Which is a better figure a 5'8 VERY skinny girl with no curves or a 5'6 muscular curvy girl?

Muscular curvy girl by far! That was a no brainer!