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Q: Is a man in love with you if he says he thinks you are amazing?
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What does it mean when a man says you are such a woman?

He thinks you're an adult female....

What does it mean when a man says youre an ass?

It means he thinks you're stupid.

Why a man says he thinks of you and always fondly?

probably cuz he likes u

If a man says he will love you forever does he have marriage on his mind?

Either that or he's just saying what he thinks you want to hear so that he can get in you pants. Unfortunately, words are easy, commitment is more difficult.

When a man says that you are his one love does it mean that he is in love with you?

If you have to ask then no he doesn't.

What does it mean when a man says you are one of the best catches?

It means that he thinks you look like a fish.

What does it mean if a man says your vagina is good?

to put it bluntly, it means he thinks your vagina is 'good'

What does it mean when a man says 'I love you' to a woman - is it different from when a woman says it to a man?

It means that he has a lot of affection for you and that you are special to him.

What kind of man says I don't love you but I need you?

An *******.

What does it mean when a man says he thinks about you?

It means he is either very find of you and likes you as a person OR he wants to bone you.

Can a man that says he has fallen out of love with you fall back in love with you?

depends on the person but it is possible

What is it mean when a man says they have a crush on you?

they lke or love u