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Not always.

You can start the conversation sometimes also.

Most girls want the guy to text first, but sometimes he wants you to text first

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Q: Is a guy always supposed to text you?
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Is it bad if you always text the guy that you like?

Not if you're friends

How can you be sweet when you text a guy?

Spell things correctly, and always use proper grammar and punctuation.

Does it matter if the guy always texts the girl first?

No, it doesn't. It shows that you care about her alot

Kay there is this guy whos always flirting with all my friends and telling me how hot they are so i want to majorly flirt with him to mess with him what can i say through text?

Mmm! I always send my guy friends a text saying "hey buddy!" and then another way is say I know who likes you! But never tell him he will usually get mad but I always play with my guy friends heads! It's fun.

What does it mean if it takes your boyfriend a while to text you or answer texts and he always seems to be spending time with his guy friends instead of you?

he's just not that into you

How do you know a guy is interested in you when you text?

if they like to text back.... or if they text first

Whenever i text this guy he always says So when the conversation dies down i usually talk about something light but like what should i ask him or what should i do?

If a guy always responds casually to your texts, simply be frank and tell him how you feel about him, and listen to his opinion.

How do you text with the guy you like if he always kills the conversation with a short answer or an lol?

Take some of your next allowance $ and buy a clue--he's just not that in to you.

Should you text the guy after he said he would text you?

no, you dont want to sound desperate and scare the guy away.

When a guy text you and you don't respond back and he text you to text him back what does that mean?

It means the guy is really interested in speaking to you. The reason will not be known unless you ask him.

What is a text to text connection to Romeo and Juliet?

Twilight. Bella and Edward aren't supposed to be together.

Is a guy interested when you text him all the time and he always ask how are you or are you ok is he interested?

i will say yes because, if is was not he would not be intrested about you. just give it time.