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Q: Is a greencard free
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How you can get greencard if you work with visa J1?

How you can get greencard if you work with visa J1?"

When ican get greencard?

You can get a greencard if a US citizen familiy member, relative or fiancee petition you.

Do you need a greencard to live in America?

Yes, you do need a greencard to live in the States of America.

Greencard holder gets fellony does he get deported?

greencard holder gets a fellony does he get deported

An alien man marries a US citizen gets a greencard and runs away can the wife have the greencard voided?

You have a strong enough argument to take action. Contact the people who issued the greencard.

Do you need a greencard if you have children?


My boyfriend's greencard has expired and he is an ex-con?

What is the question?

Can you work with a greencard?

Yes it is also a work permit

What is the greencard interview like?

it means that you have a boy friend

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A Greencard...

Getting greencard through a baby?

learn English then phrase your question properly. and no you can not get a greencard through a baby. go back to your own country and stop draining our tax dollars.

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