I don't think it makes you seem desperate if you only want to hang out but if you ask them out like to be your boyfriend then that seems kind of desperate, to me.
first off you should not be trying to use video games to ask out a girl. as a guy you need to be able to be spontaneous not desperate. it is important to find a way to ask out the girl in a way that makes her seem important to you. THAT is what you should do.
now when girls ask guys out, it is kind of desperate sounding to other people and maybe the guy. but if you KNOW that the guy likes you, and hes too shy to ask you himself, then follow ur ♥!!!! cuz we all know that when a girl REALLy likes a guy, and a guy really likes a girl, then sometime or another the girls gotta do SOME of the work!! LOL luv/ me
a guy should ask a girl out a girl should never ask a guy out......:D
just go up to her and ask her if she wants to dance. if she says yes then you dont have to be desperate anymore.
If you're desperate enough. Normally.... No.
Girls aren't desperate. all we want is a caring guy that we love and can be loved by. We aren't desperate, just caring. Don't get it confused!
It's Deseperado for a guy and desesperada for a girl.
Well to me I think it sounds like your desperate if you really like a guy just give it time and see what happens.
no, a guy should always ask a girl out.
A girl should never ask a guy out the guyshould always ask the girl out.so just wait till the guy Aks you out.
sure whats the problem, jealous a girl has more guts to ask a guy, then a guy does to ask a girl. it`s ok, it`s homecoming.