If you are going through a divorce and have assets that need to be divided and/or children, a dicorce attorney is definitely the answer. They will ensure that all assets are split ammicably and that proper custody arrangements are made.
I really don't about your particular question but maybe you could search for other alternative divorce attorney.
That is really a question for your divorce attorney. It depends on your particular case, if there are children, etc. There is a sample complaint at the link below.
The divorce attorney 'of record' is the attorney who represented a party in a divorce action. To determine the name of the attorney of record you can visit the court, request the file and look inside to find the name of the attorneys who represented the parties.
Divorce attorneys do not work for free.
You can visit the court and request the file. Once you have reviewed it you can contact the attorney who represented you in your divorce if you have any questions or consult with a new attorney if you were not represented by an attorney at the time of the divorce.
Before or after the divorce was finalized? If, before - you are now a widow -- talk to your attorney.
I found one through a divorce attorney-someone licesened in my state and an attorney herself.
The best way to find a divorce attorney in Pennsylvania is to go to lawyers.findlaw.com and select your city.
It's actually very easy to file for divorce without a lawyer. You simply need to go to your County Court, and fill out divorce forms.
Consult a good divorce attorney.
David Centeno and Vivien I. Stark are prominent divorce attorneys. More divorce attorney options can be found on the websites Reliable Divorce, Lawyers, and Top Lawyers of America.