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They use their wings to attract the opposite sex as well as fly

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Q: Is a butterfly a social insect?
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Related questions

What is an insect order for a butterfly?

An insect order for a butterfly is Lepidoptera.

What type of insect is the Monarch butterfly?

A butterfly

Is a butterfly a mammal or a amphibian?

none, it's an insect.

What is Marylands state insect?

Maryland's state insect is the checkerspot butterfly.

Does montana have a state insect?

Yes. Montana's state insect is the Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) Butterfly.

Butterfly's a vertebrate?

Nope... a butterfly is an insect - an invertebrate.

What is Alabama's State Insect?

The Monarch Butterfly is the official state insect in Alabama. The legislature made the Monarch Butterfly the state insect in 1989.

What is both a swimming style and an insect?

Butterfly is both a swimming style in competitive swimming and an insect. It is named butterfly due to the resemblance of the stroke to the movement of a butterfly's wings.

What group is a butterfly in?


Is a butterfly a crustacean?

No it is an insect

What is the cleanest insect?

butterfly )}i{(

Why do you call a butterfly an insect when it has 6 legs?

A butterfly is an insect because it has 6 legs, Insects have six legs.