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No it is not. I'm in sixth grade and have played plenty of kissing games.

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Q: Is 6th grade to young for a first kiss?
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When did Austin mahone have his first kiss?

Austin<3 that little hottie had his first kiss in 6th grade.

How do you have your first kiss in 5th grade?

Well, my first kiss was in 6th grade and what you need to do is get to know the girl, talk to her a lot and be funny. Then ask her out and on the 3rd date make your move.

How do you kiss in 6th grade?

you don't

How do you kiss a girl you see for the first time in 6th grade but you can't date?

Just kiss her it's not that hard she'll love it.

Im in 6 grade and your ex want you to kiss him should i kiss him?

No, unless your my ex boyfriend... You're in 6th grade and already talking about ex's? Slow down! That is way too young to be that involved with the opposite sex.

What grade is young lyrikkal in?

Young lyrikkal is in 6th grade.

How do you get a boy in 6th grade to kiss a 5th grade girl?

first you have to know each other. Than you have to talk to each other. and than one day if he says he likes you than you can just kiss him

Is it to young to date in 6 grade?

Not to me 6th grade is when i had my first boyfriend and we dated for 2 years . Just keep it light .

What do 6th grade girls like as a gift?

a nice kiss

Where should you kiss your girlfriend if you are in the 6th grade?

Well you are still young so maybe on the cheek,When i was in grade 6 people actually kissed in the lips at times but go for the cheek she might not be ready for the lips yet

If are a 6th grade girl dating a 7th grade boy you have never had your first kiss and your nervous what do you do?

well i think its a tad bit to young to be kissing boys right now, this is the reason kids are getting pregnant younger and younger everyday. howto do it you will know when the time is right don't force it just let it happen you want to remember your first kiss as something romantic not something that happened when you smacked faces together.

Everyone in my grade thinks we are too young to kiss in eighth grade but me and my boyfriend really want to kiss each other but we don't want people to think we are weird so what should we do?

depends what type of kiss it is. if its just a kiss on the cheeks or something then im sure its ok. but if its further then that you should wait. ..x WTF!... you are not to young and cheek action should be in like 5th grade i say 7th grade is when you should be dating and kissing (well i am going into 7th grade and people are kissing and frenching in 6th which is wrong) i say 7th grade kissing making out. (note) not in school!!!!!!!!!!! 8th grade and through 12th grade french married doing it and i think you get my point. hope this helped and hope your relationship works out bye. : ) signed advicegiver69