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No, it is just a statement being made.

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Q: Is -Sorry to have missed you - the correct question?
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Are you are sorry to have missed your call and you are sorry for missing your call both correct?

Yes. First phrase is more correct, but second is more sincere.

Is 'I am sorry to have missed the meeting' or 'I am sorry I missed the meeting' grammatically proper?

You are sorry to have missed the meeting.

I am truelly sorry?

Correct spelling: I am truly sorry. is this a real question?

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i missed you

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The cast of Sorry I Missed You - 2011 includes: Al Garrett as Authur

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I'm sorry...what was the question??? you got it right.

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sorry this is not the question that i am looking for could you please find me the correct question thank you p.s it is for school homework

What is your grade if you missed 4 answers on a 50 question test?

Providing all the other answers were correct then your grade would be 92%

What actors and actresses appeared in Sorry I Missed You - 2002?

The cast of Sorry I Missed You - 2002 includes: Kate Gopacco as Jane Jennifer Grace Cook as Rachel

What is your percentage if you missed 31 questions out of 120 questions?

If every question was worth the same credit, then your score was 25.8% wrong 74.2% correct

What percentage did you score if you missed one question out of 30?

29/30 questions correct = 96.6667 percent, which is exactly 96 2/3%