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no. the female does NOT detemine the sex of the child.

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Q: In a female Is there one ovary the contains girl eggs and one that contains boy eggs?
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Why Does girls Have Period?

Girls are born with hundreds of eggs inside them. The ovary cannot keep all these eggs, so when the girl is aged 12-16 (normal puberty age) she has periods. Basically each period contains one or a couple of eggs which - you may not want to read - mix with the blood, die, and come out as a period. Helpful?

Pregnancy in left ovary is boy or girl baby?

The sex of a baby is not determined by which ovary the egg was released from. The father's sperm is the determining factor. All eggs are X chromosomes and if the sperm is a X as well you will have a girl, if it is a Y then expect a little boy.

Do the male seahorse lay eggs?

they don't the girl puts the eggs in him

How many cells in the human egg cell?

Before birth, a fetus starts with around 2 million eggs in each ovary. Those eggs are trimmed down over time, and a girl is born with around 300,000 eggs in each ovary. She normally releases 1 egg a month during her fertile years.

How did gollum find out the shelob was a girl?

She laid eggs and had children. That is how he learned she was female.

Can a male cockateil lay eggs?

No, only female birds lay eggs. If your cockatiel laid an egg, it's a girl!

What are the functions of the ovary?

The ovary is primarily responsible for producing eggs (ova) and producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones play important roles in regulating the menstrual cycle, supporting pregnancy, and maintaining bone and heart health.

Is it the right ovary which prepares the egg for the baby boy?

No. There is an equal chance of a boy or girl being produced from an egg from either ovary, this being dependent on whether it is a 'male' Y sperm which fertilises it or a 'female' X sperm.

What does it take to get a girl pregnant?

To get a female pregnant, your sperm has to reach her eggs. That is the process of pregnancy.

Do boy or girl betta fish get pregnant?

No they don't get pregnant. A female produces eggs, then during mating a male will squeeze those eggs out of the female and fertilise them. The eggs are then put in a bubble nest by the male who cares for them until they hatch.

How can a bearded dragon girl have eggs with out a dad?

female beardie do produce eggs when there's no dad but they will be empty and nothing in them i.e they wont be fertile

How do girl dogs have little dogs?

Girl dogs can have little dogs through the process of mating with a male dog, during which the male's sperm fertilizes the female's eggs. The fertilized eggs then develop into puppies inside the female's uterus and are born after a gestation period of about 2 months.